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Dispose of recyclables correctly

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Refusing, reducing, and reusing greatly reduces the need for recycling. 



Recycling allows us to reuse resources that would otherwise be wasted, however, the lifecycle of recyclables can have a negative impact on our planet. The process of producing, distributing, and recycling items is very resource and energy intensive, many of these items are often only used once before being disposed of. Zero-waste living is focused on reducing overall consumption, including consumption of recyclable items, lessening the impact we have on the planet. By choosing to refuse , reduce , and reuse we are able to greatly reduce our consumption of recyclables too. 


When we do have items to recycle, it's important to dispose of them correctly. Ensuring the resources can be reused and don't end up in the landfill:



  • Don't bag recyclables, leave them loose in your recycling bin. Often, bagged recyclables end up in the landfill because recycling facilities cannot determine what is inside, bags can also get tangled in recycling facility machinery becoming a safety hazard. 

  • Most curbside recycling systems don't accept plastic bags, styrofoam, or glass. These items can be returned to recycling depots for proper disposal.


For more information about how to correctly recycle in British Columbia visit the Recycle BC website .

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