The short answer, real Christmas trees are the more eco-friendly option. Actually in most cases, 20 times more eco-friendly based on the findings from a life cycle assessment out of Montreal.

Wondering why real Christmas trees are the more eco-friendly option compared to their reusable alternative? There are several factors to consider;
The facts on fake Christmas trees:
Fake trees are often made of plastic which is toxic to produce.
About 85% of all fake trees are produced in China; transporting them to us uses a lot of energy.
Fake trees aren't recyclable.
Fake trees are often discarded after just a few years, while they need to be used for over 20 years to be considered a more eco-friendly option.
Adding up to a big eco-footprint.
If you already have a fake tree, take care of it and use it for years down the road. By storing it properly and getting creative to decorate worn areas, you can prolong its life keeping it out of the landfill.
Real Christmas trees, on the other hand, offer a host of benefits:
While the tree is living, it absorbs carbon dioxide helping to curb climate change.
In most cases, for every Christmas Tree cut at a farm three are planted to replace it. Visit a local farm to minimize your tree's travel, such as Woodhaven Tree Farm, Volkman Christmas Tree Farm, Grumpy’s Christmas Tree Farm, or Coldstream Creek Farm. You can also cut down your own, be sure to get a permit and read it carefully. Permits are free online from the BC Government.
Rather than cutting down a tree, consider purchasing a local potted Christmas tree from Farm Bound in Vernon, which can be replanted after the holidays.
When the holidays are over, real trees can be returned back to the earth either as mulch, compost, or a temporary home for birds. Across the Okanagan, you can drop off your real Christmas tree for proper disposal, click here to find out more.
Reduce your eco-footprint this holiday while creating a fun family tradition spending the day searching for the perfect tree, in nature or at a farm.
No matter your choice, we hope you have a Tree-mendous Christmas!!